Endless Keepers’ Privacy Policy

Endless Keepers LLP, a company incorporated in Singapore with registration number 53431394M (“Endless Keepers”), provides Endless Keepers Services (as defined below) on the basis that personal data (as defined below) which it obtains will be handled in accordance with the terms as set out below (“Endless Keepers Privacy Policy”), which forms part of Endless Keepers Terms.

By accessing or using any part of Endless Keepers Website (as defined below) or Endless Keepers Services, User (as defined below) is deemed to have understood, accepted, and agreed to be bound by the latest current version of Endless Keepers Privacy Policy. If the User does not agree with any part of Endless Keepers Privacy Policy, the User must immediately cease to use Endless Keepers Services altogether.

1. Terms and Expressions

1.1 In this Endless Keepers Privacy Policy, the following terms and expressions shall have the meanings given to them and as set out opposite them respectively as follows:

“Endless Keepers Data Protection Officer” the person named and whose contact particulars are set out in the box at the beginning of this Endless Keepers Privacy Policy, or as may be otherwise nominated by Endless Keepers from time to time;

“Endless Keepers Privacy Policy” the meaning given to it in the opening paragraph above;

“Endless Keepers Services” services made available by Endless Keepers as described and within the scope stated in Endless Keepers Terms;

“Endless Keepers Terms” the terms and conditions applicable to the use of Endless Keepers Services as referred to and to which a link is provided in the opening paragraph above (including all updates and amendments thereto);

“Endless Keepers Website” Endless Keepers website located http://endlesskeeper.com;

“Other Purpose” the meaning is given to it in paragraph 2.3 below;

“person” any natural person or legal entity, as the case may be;

“Personal Data” any data about an individual who can be identified either

(i) from that data alone; or

(ii) from that data together with other information to which Endless Keepers has or is likely to have access; and may include, inter alia, such individual’s name, date of birth, gender, email address, delivery address, billing address, contact number, and payment details;

“Specified Purposes” the meaning given to it in paragraph 2.1 below;

“Third Party Website” any website operated by a third party other than Endless Keepers;

“User” a person who is effectively registered with Endless Keepers in accordance with Endless Keepers’ prescribed requirements, for the use of Endless Keepers Services;

“User Account” the unique account assigned to the User by Endless Keepers for the use of Endless Keepers Website and Endless Keepers Services.

1.2 References in Endless Keepers Privacy Policy to any word:

1.2.1 importing a gender shall be construed in any other gender as the context requires;

1.2.2 denoting the plural shall be construed accordingly based on the definition herein of such word in the singular; or

1.2.3 denoting the singular shall be construed as denoting the plural or vice versa as the context requires.

1.3 Title headings in and the arrangement and division of provisions into numbered paragraphs in Endless Keepers Privacy Policy shall have no significance in the interpretation of the substantive terms thereof.

2. Purposes for Collection, Use, and/or Disclosure of Personal Data

2.1 Specified Purposes

Generally, Endless Keepers may collect, use and/or disclose User’s Personal Data for the following purposes (“Specified Purposes”):

2.1.1 administering and providing User with various Endless Keepers Services

2.1.2 generating invoices and/or processing payments from User;

2.1.3 handling and responding to User’s requests and/or complaints;

2.1.4 assisting User in evaluating and finding suitable products and services on Endless Keepers Website;

2.1.5 managing, developing, personalising and/or enhancing operations, content and features in relation to Endless Keepers Services and/or Endless Keepers Website;

2.1.6 communicating to User administrative updates and notices (including but not limited to changes in Endless Keepers Terms or Endless Keepers Privacy Policy) or marketing and promotional materials;

2.1.7 profiling User and performing market research and analytics;

2.1.8 maintaining and archiving electronic records and correspondence relating to User;

2.1.9 verifying User’s identity and other particulars;

2.1.10 preventing, detecting and/or investigating fraud, other criminal offences or violations of Endless Keepers Terms;

2.1.11 obtaining legal advice or carrying out any legal processes or purposes, including dispute resolution;

2.1.12 complying with any local or foreign law, regulation, guideline, administrative direction, court order, or a request from any government authority (whether for investigative or law enforcement purposes or otherwise);

2.1.13 any purpose set out in Endless Keepers Terms; and

2.1.14 any other purpose reasonably related or ancillary to those stated above.

2.2 Consent to Specified Purposes

By assessing or using any part of Endless Keepers Website or Endless Keepers Services, User consents to the collection, use and/or disclosure of her Personal Data for the Specified Purposes.

2.3 Consent to Other Purpose

In the event that Endless Keepers proposes to collect, use and/or disclose User’s Personal Data for any purpose other than any of the Specified Purposes (“Other Purpose”):

2.3.1 Endless Keepers will notify User of such Other Purpose prior to such collection, use and/or disclosure of Personal Data; and

2.3.2 User shall have 7 days to object to such Other Purpose, failing which, User shall be deemed to have consented to the collection, use and/or disclosure of her Personal Data for such Other Purposes.

2.4 Third Party Consent

Where User provides to Endless Keepers any Personal Data relating to a third party, User represents and warrants that she has obtained all necessary consents relating to the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Data from such third party for the Specified Purposes or any Other Purpose as may be applicable.

2.5 Withdrawal of Consent

2.5.1 User may withdraw her consent in relation to any of the Specified Purposes or any Other Purpose by:

(i) changing her preferences in relation to such Specified Purpose or Other Purpose manually using her User Account where such editing facility is made available; or

(ii) giving not less than 10 days’ notice of such withdrawal of consent to Endless Keepers Data Protection Officer.

2.5.2 Upon and depending on the extent of such withdrawal of consent, Endless Keepers may not be in a position to continue providing User with some or all of Endless Keepers Services and/or access to some or all parts of Endless Keepers Website.

3. Collection of Personal Data

3.1 Endless Keepers may collect User’s Personal Data when:

3.1.1 Personal Data is submitted (whether directly by User or otherwise) to Endless Keepers in connection with the registration of User Account;

3.1.2 User performs transactions using Endless Keepers Services, whether on Endless Keepers Website or otherwise;

3.1.3 User consents or subscribes to Endless Keepers’ marketing or promotional activities or materials;

3.1.4 User communicates with Endless Keepers’ customer service officers or operations personnel, whether via Endless Keepers Website, email, mobile devices, or other electronic means, and whether for purposes of obtaining technical support or otherwise; or

3.1.5 User submits Personal Data to Endless Keepers in any other manner or for any other reason.

3.2 In addition, upon User’s access to Endless Keepers Website, whether or not for the purpose of using Endless Keepers Services, the following information, including any embedded Personal Data, may be automatically collected:

3.2.1 information on User’s browser type and internet protocol (IP) address;

3.2.2 the website that the user was browsing prior to visiting Endless Keepers Website; and

3.2.3 the dates and times of User’s access to Endless Keepers Website.

4. Disclosure of Personal Data

Endless Keepers shall keep confidential any Personal Data of User within its possession or control, but may disclose such Personal Data to the following parties for or in connection with the Specified Purposes or any Other Purpose:

4.1 persons affiliated with Endless Keepers, such as Endless Keepers’ related companies;

4.2 third party service providers who provide various services to Endless Keepers, including but not limited to data processing, information storage, telecommunications, payment, marketing, and collection/delivery services; or

4.3 Endless Keepers’ professional advisors, such as lawyers and auditors;

4.4 banks and other financial institutions;

4.5 liquidators, receivers, judicial managers or other persons appointed pursuant to any bankruptcy, winding-up, judicial management, or other similar proceedings;

4.6 any court, competent tribunal, or other judicial body;

4.7 any government agency or regulatory or administrative body; and/or

4.8 any other party to whom the disclosure of User’s Personal Data by Endless Keepers has been authorized by User.

5. Retention of Personal Data

Endless Keepers shall retain User’s Personal Data until the retention of such Personal Data:

5.1 no longer serves the purpose for which the Personal Data was collected; and

5.2 is no longer necessary for legal or business purposes.

6. Accuracy of Personal Data

User shall ensure that all Personal Data that she provides to Endless Keepers is accurate, complete, and not misleading in any way.

7. Access to and Correction of Personal Data

7.1 Access User may request access to her Personal Data within the possession or control of Endless Keepers by submitting such request to Endless Keepers Data Protection Officer.

7.2 Correction User may correct her Personal Data within the possession or control of Endless Keepers by:

7.2.1 making such corrections manually using her User Account where such editing facility is made available; or

7.2.2 submitting a request for such correction of Personal Data to Endless Keepers Data Protection Officer.

7.3 Response and Fees Upon receiving any request from User regarding access to or correction of Personal Data, Endless Keepers shall:

7.3.1 Endless Keepers to respond to such request within 30 days of receiving the same; and

7.3.2 be entitled to charge a reasonable fee for processing such request.

8. Security Measures

8.1 Endless Keepers shall take all reasonable security arrangements to protect Personal Data within its possession or control from unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, modification, or other similar risks.

8.2. However, as the electronic storage and/or transmission of information is subject to inherent risks and cannot be completely secure from unauthorized access, Endless Keepers does not guarantee the absolute security of such Personal Data and shall not be liable for events arising from any security breach including on account of any third party mischief or technical failure.

9. Security Measures

9.1 A “cookie” is a small text file placed by a web server on the web browser of a computer, and which can thereafter be retrieved by or through such webserver.

9.2 Endless Keepers uses “cookies” on Endless Keepers Website in order to:

9.2.1 enable Endless Keepers Website to function correctly; and/or

9.2.2 record information for administrative, statistical, and maintenance purposes, such as the:

(i) date, time, or duration of visits to Endless Keepers Website, including in relation to specific pages on Endless Keepers Website; and

(ii) information searched for by Users on Endless Keepers Website.

9.3 Although the User may choose if and how “cookies” used by Endless Keepers will be accepted or permitted to operate, such as by configuring her preferences and options in the web browser of her computer, Endless Keepers cautions that disabling such “cookies” may affect the functionality or cause delays in the operation of Endless Keepers Website.

10. Third-Party Websites

10.1 Endless Keepers Website may contain links to Third-Party Websites, which:

10.1.1 automatically receive User’s IP address when User clicks on such links; and/or

10.1.2 may download “cookies” to the User’s computer, or use other technologies such as JavaScript and “web beacons” (also known as “1×1 gifs”) to measure the effectiveness and customize the content of such links.

10.2 User acknowledges and accepts that Endless Keepers does not have access to or control of and shall not be responsible for the “cookies” or other tracking technologies that may be placed or deployed through Third Party Websites, the practices and policies in relation to which may differ from Endless Keepers.

11. Amendments to Endless Keepers Privacy Policy

11.1 Endless Keepers may amend Endless Keepers Privacy Policy without prior notice and without liability at any time.

11.2 User is expected to keep updated on any amendments to Endless Keepers Privacy Policy, which User shall be deemed to have understood and accepted and agrees to be bound by and comply with from the effective date thereof as stipulated by Endless Keepers.